Wood industry - Dispersion adhesives

Manufacture of windows and doors

For this type of bonding we use dispersion adhesives PVAC class D4, (in the case of interior doors class D3 and UF adhesives) as well as PUR prepolymers, which achieve high water resistance and in the case of PU adhesives also high heat resistance of the bonded joint.

Disperzné lepidlo vhodné na lepenie tašiek: spodné lepenie tašiek s okienkom, taktiež potiahnutých aj potlačených. Vysoká lepivosť za mokra. Spĺňa: • FDA 21 cfr 175.105 lepidlá; • FDA 21 cfr 176.170 priamy kontakt s tekutými a mastnými potravinami; • FDA 21 cfr 176.180 priamy kontakt so suchými potravinami. Nezaschnuté lepidlo očistiť teplou vodou ihneď po použití. Na zabránenie nežiaduceho usadzovania lepidla na povrchu strojov aplikátorov a súčastí strojov odporúčame AGGLU separačnú pastu, na odstránenie zvyškov zaschnutého lepidla je možné použiť AG-CLEAN PVAc.
Disperzné lepidlo vhodné aj pre nákupné tašky: tvarovanie a lepenie uší zvnútra tašky (patch gluing), bočné lepenie širokého sortimentu papiera, kde je nutná nízka viskozita. Produkt zaručuje vynikajúcu priľnavosť na obtiažne papiere s nízkou spotrebou. Spĺňa: FDA 21 cfr 175.105 lepidlá; FDA 21 cfr 176.170 priamy kontakt s tekutými a mastnými potravinami; FDA 21 cfr 176.180 priamy kontakt so suchými potravinami. Nezaschnuté lepidlo očistiť teplou vodou ihneď po použití. Zvyšky zaschnutého lepidla je možné odstrániť pomocou čistiaceho prostriedku AG-CLEAN PVAc.
Dispersion adhesive suitable for glossy lamination - "wet lamination" of a wide range of paper and board (printed, treated lacquer, coated with PP film (BoPP) and treated with acetate). Also suitable for shopping bags: sticking loose film on paper, also coated and printed. Also suitable for machine lamination of hard board (printed, laminated surface). Meets: FDA 21 cfr 175.105 Adhesives; FDA 21 cfr 176.170 direct contact with liquid and fatty foods; FDA 21 cfr 176.180 direct contact with dry foods. Clean the undried adhesive with warm water immediately after use. To prevent unwanted settling adhesive on the surface of machine applicators and machine components, we recommend AGGLU separation paste, for AG-CLEAN PVAc can be used to remove residues of dried adhesive.
Dispersion adhesive suitable for glossy lamination - "wet lamination" of a wide range of paper and board (printed, treated lacquer, coated with PP film (BoPP) and treated with acetate). Also suitable for shopping bags: sticking loose film on paper, also coated and printed. Also suitable for machine lamination of hard board (printed, laminated surface). Meets: FDA 21 cfr 175.105 Adhesives; FDA 21 cfr 176.170 direct contact with liquid and fatty foods; FDA 21 cfr 176.180 direct contact with dry foods. Clean the undried adhesive with warm water immediately after use. To prevent unwanted settling adhesive on the surface of machine applicators and machine components, we recommend AGGLU separation paste, for AG-CLEAN PVAc can be used to remove residues of dried adhesive.
Dispersion adhesive for cartons and boxes: bonding of different types of cartons coated with PET, PE, PVC (min. 38 dyn), acrylic and UV coated cartons. Meets: FDA 21 cfr 175.105 Adhesives; FDA 21 cfr 176.170 direct contact with liquid and fatty foods; FDA 21 cfr 176.180 direct contact with dry foods. Clean the undried adhesive with warm water immediately after use. Residues of dried glue can be remove with AG-CLEAN PVAc cleaner.
Dispersion adhesive suitable for cartons and boxes: bonding of a wide range of cartons, also coated and printed. Also suitable for shopping bags: shaping of handles and side gluing of paper, also coated and suppressed. The adhesive contains an optically traceable substance that can be detected by Valco-Melton Clear-Vision systems. Meets: - FDA 21 cfr 175.105 Adhesives; - FDA 21 cfr 176.170 direct contact with liquid and fatty foods; - FDA 21 cfr 176.180 direct contact with dry foods. Clean the undried adhesive with warm water immediately after use. To prevent unwanted settling adhesive on the surface of machine applicators and machine components, we recommend AGGLU separation paste, for AG-CLEAN PVAc can be used to remove residues of dried adhesive.
Dispersion adhesive suitable for cartons and boxes: bonding of a wide range of cartons, also coated and printed. Also suitable for shopping bags: shaping of handles and side gluing of paper, also coated and suppressed. The adhesive contains an optically traceable substance that can be detected by Valco-Melton Clear-Vision systems. Meets: - FDA 21 cfr 175.105 Adhesives; - FDA 21 cfr 176.170 direct contact with liquid and fatty foods; - FDA 21 cfr 176.180 direct contact with dry foods. Clean the undried adhesive with warm water immediately after use. To prevent unwanted settling adhesive on the surface of machine applicators and machine components, we recommend AGGLU separation paste, for AG-CLEAN PVAc can be used to remove residues of dried adhesive.
Dispersion adhesive suitable for cartons and boxes: bonding a wide range of cartons, also coated and suppressed. Also suitable for shopping bags: shaping of handles and side gluing of paper, also coated and suppressed. Meets: FDA 21 cfr 175.105 Adhesives; FDA 21 cfr 176.170 direct contact with liquid and fatty foods; FDA 21 cfr 176.180 direct contact with dry foods. Clean the undried adhesive with warm water immediately after use. Residues of dried glue can be remove with AG-CLEAN PVAc cleaner.
Dispersion adhesive suitable for cartons and boxes: bonding a wide range of cartons, also coated and suppressed. Also suitable for shopping bags: shaping of handles and side gluing of paper, also coated and suppressed. Meets: FDA 21 cfr 175.105 Adhesives; FDA 21 cfr 176.170 direct contact with liquid and fatty foods; FDA 21 cfr 176.180 direct contact with dry foods. Clean the undried adhesive with warm water immediately after use. Residues of dried glue can be remove with AG-CLEAN PVAc cleaner.
Dispersion adhesive suitable for cartons and boxes: bonding a wide range of cartons, also coated and varnished. Also suitable for shopping bags: side gluing and inner gluing of handles, shaping / reinforcing / handles of paper, also coated, printed and treated with water varnish. Also suitable for bookbinding: softbound - glued (V2), sewn (V4), block booklet (V3). As a primer for sewn brochures and gluing capitals on paper, also printed, lacquered (also over the whole surface). Meets: FDA 21 cfr 175.105 Adhesives; FDA 21 cfr 176.170 direct contact with liquid and fatty foods; FDA 21 cfr 176.180 direct contact with dry foods. Clean the undried adhesive with warm water immediately after use. Residues of dried glue can be remove with AG-CLEAN PVAc cleaner.
Dispersion adhesive suitable for cartons and boxes: bonding a wide range of cartons, also coated and varnished. Also suitable for shopping bags: side gluing and inner gluing of handles, shaping / reinforcing / handles of paper, also coated, printed and treated with water varnish. Also suitable for bookbinding: softbound - glued (V2), sewn (V4), block booklet (V3). As a primer for sewn brochures and gluing capitals on paper, also printed, lacquered (also over the whole surface). Meets: FDA 21 cfr 175.105 Adhesives; FDA 21 cfr 176.170 direct contact with liquid and fatty foods; FDA 21 cfr 176.180 direct contact with dry foods. Clean the undried adhesive with warm water immediately after use. Residues of dried glue can be remove with AG-CLEAN PVAc cleaner.
Dispersion adhesive suitable for cartons and boxes: bonding a wide range of cartons, also coated and varnished. Also suitable for shopping bags: side gluing and inner gluing of handles, shaping / reinforcing / handles of paper, also coated, printed and treated with water varnish. Also suitable for bookbinding: softbound - glued (V2), sewn (V4), block booklet (V3). As a primer for sewn brochures and gluing capitals on paper, also printed, lacquered (also over the whole surface). Meets: FDA 21 cfr 175.105 Adhesives; FDA 21 cfr 176.170 direct contact with liquid and fatty foods; FDA 21 cfr 176.180 direct contact with dry foods. Clean the undried adhesive with warm water immediately after use. Residues of dried glue can be remove with AG-CLEAN PVAc cleaner.
Dispersion adhesive suitable for bookbinding: bonding of prefolds on medium-speed equipment. Suitable for bonding of various types of paper, including printed, laminated or varnish-treated. Also suitable for boxes and cartons: gluing different types of cardboard, also with window. Suitable for "to sheet and to reel" lamination on paper and plastics. Meets: FDA 21 cfr 175.105 Adhesives; FDA 21 cfr 176.170 direct contact with liquid and fatty foods; FDA 21 cfr 176.180 direct contact with dry foods. Clean the undried adhesive with warm water immediately after use. To prevent unwanted settling adhesive on the surface of machine applicators and machine components, we recommend AGGLU separation paste, for AG-CLEAN PVAc can be used to remove residues of dried adhesive.
Dispersion adhesive suitable for bookbinding: bonding of prefolds on medium-speed equipment. Suitable for bonding of various types of paper, including printed, laminated or varnish-treated. Also suitable for boxes and cartons: gluing different types of cardboard, also with window. Suitable for "to sheet and to reel" lamination on paper and plastics. Meets: FDA 21 cfr 175.105 Adhesives; FDA 21 cfr 176.170 direct contact with liquid and fatty foods; FDA 21 cfr 176.180 direct contact with dry foods. Clean the undried adhesive with warm water immediately after use. To prevent unwanted settling adhesive on the surface of machine applicators and machine components, we recommend AGGLU separation paste, for AG-CLEAN PVAc can be used to remove residues of dried adhesive.
Dispersion adhesive suitable for bookbinding: bonding of prefolds on medium-speed equipment. Suitable for bonding of various types of paper, including printed, laminated or varnish-treated. Also suitable for boxes and cartons: gluing different types of cardboard, also with window. Suitable for "to sheet and to reel" lamination on paper and plastics. Meets: FDA 21 cfr 175.105 Adhesives; FDA 21 cfr 176.170 direct contact with liquid and fatty foods; FDA 21 cfr 176.180 direct contact with dry foods. Clean the undried adhesive with warm water immediately after use. To prevent unwanted settling adhesive on the surface of machine applicators and machine components, we recommend AGGLU separation paste, for AG-CLEAN PVAc can be used to remove residues of dried adhesive.