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Tavné lepidlá
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Hot melt adhesive suitable for bookbinding: side gluing, gluing of a wide range of papers, also normal paper, suppressed, coated. Meets: FDA 21 cfr 175.105 Adhesives; FDA 21 cfr 176.170 direct contact with liquid and fatty foods; FDA 21 cfr 176.180 direct contact with dry foods. Adhesive residue from the fusing equipment and hoses is can be removed with Termomelt 301 cleaner. For the protection of parts made of plastic, metal and rubber we recommend using AG-Silicone spray. For cleaning metal surfaces of machines, applicators and Thermomelt top clean is used for machine components.
Hot melt adhesive suitable for binding books, for side gluing a wide range of paper, also classic, printed, laminated and treated with waterborne varnish (also throughout the area - up to the edge). Meets: FDA 21 cfr 175.105 Adhesives; FDA 21 cfr 176.170 direct contact with liquid and fatty foods; FDA 21 cfr 176.180 direct contact with dry foods. Adhesive residue from the fusing equipment and hoses is can be removed with Termomelt 301 cleaner. For the protection of parts made of plastic, metal and rubber we recommend using AG-Silicone spray. For cleaning metal surfaces of machines, applicators and Thermomelt top clean is used for machine components.
Stitched and milled paperbacks, one shot book blocks and finish for twoshot. Gluing of a wide range of paper, plain, printed, laminated, water varnish treated, as well as gluing of printed paper over the whole surface. Excellent resistance to vegetable and mineral oils.

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Veselé Vianoce

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Mgr. Marko Štefko

Expert on adhesives and adhesive systems

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