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Kestopur 1010
transparent, light after drying
10 000 mPas
Otvorený čas
max. 10 minutes.
KESTOPUR 1010 is a moisture curing single component PUR adhesive. It meets the requirements of EN 15425, is approved for the manufacture of products with CE marking according to EN 14080 Timber structures - glued laminated timber and glued solid timber, EN 15497 Structural solid timber with wedge joint (zinc), EN 16351 Timber structures - CLT. It can also be used for the manufacture of other wood products and applications that require exceptional moisture resistance. KESTOPUR 1010 does not contain solvents or formaldehyde. Conforms to M1 emissions of the Building Materials Classification. Reinforced with fibre. Low foaming.

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Mgr. Marko Štefko

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